Middlesex County Chess Association
AGM Agenda 04/07/2010
1. Present:
2. Apologies for absence
3. Presidents Address & Trophies
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Matters Arising not covered elsewhere
6. Officers’ Reports:
a. Treasurer’s Report
b. League Secretary’s report
c. Match Captains’ reports:
i. Open
ii. U180
iii. U160
iv. U140
d. Individual Tournament
e. Correspondence Chess
f. Junior Chess
g. Winters Trophy
h. Ralph Barnet
i. Committee
j. Delegate to ECF/SCCU
7. Election of Officers
a. President
b. Vice-President
c. Treasurer
d. League Secretary
e. Match Captains
i. Open
ii. U180
iii. U160
iv. U140
v. U120
f. Tournament Officers
i. Team
ii. Individual
iii. Winters
iv. Correspondence
v. Ralph Barnet
g. Grader
h. Junior
i. Auditor
8. Any Other Business
9. Dates of Future Meetings