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29 October 2024 Middlesex County Chess Association changes its website This website was created by Adam Raoof in 2011. It was later taken ov...

Middlesex Junior Chess

It should be noted that although this is a Junior specific page MCCA is an inclusive Association thus all other areas on the website pertaining to the organisation, e.g. Affiliated Clubs, Middlesex League and Middlesex County teams welcome the participation of juniors. The MCCA follows the steer from the SCCU with regard to the safety of juniors. - see safeguarding here. The MCCA cannot and do not any assume responsibility for the position of non-affiliated clubs or external sites with respect to their position towards juniors.

The purpose of the page is to have an area dedicated to Junior matters. This includes: MCCA Organiser details, junior events, junior specific clubs. This is will be an evolving page due to the sheer number of junior organisations, coaches and events in the Middlesex area let alone London at large so it will not be possible to give an exhaustive list but the details contained herein will give interested parents, carers and junior chess players a good start to promote, develop and consolidate their charges interest in the game of kings!

MCCA Junior Chess Organiser  

Angela Eyton Phone: 07939 920237 Email: angelaeyton@aol.com

Junior Events - see also ECF Calendar

London Junior Chess Challenge
UK Chess Challenge

Junior Organisation - contact each for more details:

Barnet Knights - the team competes as Hendon 5 in Middlesex League

Junior Coaches 

There are a plethora of Junior coaches in and around the Middlesex area meaning it is not practical to list them all all if only because of the space they would occupy! Mx's ECF Representative Rob Wilmoth has created a network called the Junior Organisers Network. Contact him for details via Barnet Knights.

Middlesex Junior Titles

I think that the London Junior Chess Championship includes the Middlesex County Junior and Girls' titles at the University of Westminster Harrow.