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29 October 2024 Middlesex County Chess Association changes its website This website was created by Adam Raoof in 2011. It was later taken ov...

League Rules 2021


Middlesex Chess League

Pay youR League fees now!

Payee: Middlesex County Chess Association

Sort Code: 12-11-03         Account Number: 00726567

Rules of the Middlesex Chess League as amended 9th July 2018, updated 22nd July 2019, updated 1st November 2021

Following the custom of FIDE, we state, "In these rules the words 'he', 'him' and 'his' are used indiscriminately to include 'she, her' and 'her's'."


MCCA Constitution Clause 4. FEES:

All fees shall be determined at the Annual Council meeting and shall become due on October 1st each year. All games played under the auspices of the Association shall be subject to the ECF Game fee scheme. In addition, each private member or affiliated club shall pay any registration fees which are due to the Southern Counties Chess Union.


FEES Rates

To enter a team into the League: £40 per team except the Limited Grade Categories which are £10 per team plus County Affiliation of £20 per annum if not otherwise a member

Late Entry Fees: £5 per team (if accepted)

ECF Game Fee: For current rate see here https://www.englishchess.org.uk/pay-to-play-and-game-fee/

Fine for not attending the Fixtures Meeting: £20

Adjudication Deposit: £15.00

Fee deducted from adjudication deposit: £5.50 per lost decision

For not reporting the result of a match in time: 50p per result

Failure to supply membership list: £20 (See Constitutional Clause 3 given below for reference)



(e) All League members and other affiliated clubs are required to supply a full list of this previous year's club members, together with those members e-mail addresses and/or phone numbers, before the end of July each year. The list will be submitted to the Secretary or another person delegated for that year. Failure to conform will incur a fine. ( In 2002 this was set at £20.)


Competition Rules


Unless otherwise provided all games shall be played in accordance with the current laws of chess as laid down by FIDE.

FIDE occasionally review their rules which the Committee will assess their effect and were applicable apply to the rules contained herein.


At the Annual General Meeting, the two officers shall be appointed:-

The League Secretary and

The League Grader.



The day to day running of the League shall be the responsibility of the appointed League Secretary.



If a dispute occurs between two players and a registered ECF arbiter is present then the matter shall be referred to that person. If no arbiter is present as an official, player or a spectator, then the two team Captains shall jointly act as an arbiter. If they disagree, then the matter shall be referred to the League Secretary, in writing, with the full details. This shall be carried out by both team captains within ten days.



Any appeal against the League Secretary's decision shall be made in writing within fourteen days and heard by a committee of three individuals who are members of the Association's Executive Committee. Their decision shall be final and binding. The League Secretary shall arrange in consultation with the president, which three members of the Executive Committee shall serve and shall advise both parties involved in the dispute as to who those officers will be. All parties shall have at least two weeks’ notice of the date, time, and venue of the meeting.



The clubs wishing to enter for the following season shall have duly completed and returned the application form to the League Secretary before the date of the Annual Council Meeting of the Middlesex County Chess Association, or are present at that meeting to make a verbal entry.

The entry shall include the number of teams for the various divisions and any entries for the divisions of the Limited Grade Categories.

See Appendix A

The list of club officers and team captains, with their addresses and phone numbers shall be rendered to the League Secretary by the opening of the Fixtures meeting, together with any monies required to bring the adjudication deposit up to the required sum (see clause 16f).

Late entries shall be at the League Secretary's discretion and subject to a late entry fee as determined by the council.

Entry fees and ECF game fees shall be rendered as required by the Middlesex County Chess Association according to the constitution. (Clause 4)



a). All divisions (other than those in the Formula Divisions referred to below) shall consist of up to eight teams, except for the last division, which shall consist of no fewer than six and not more than thirteen teams. In these divisions teams shall be subject to promotion (two teams) and relegation (two teams) except that there shall be no promotion from the first division and no relegation from the last division.

b). An extra division shall be formed when the number of teams entered for the last division exceeds thirteen; and the number of divisions shall be reduced by one when the number of entries for the last division falls below six.

c). Every division shall be played on a Double Round All-Play-All basis, with each team playing once at home and once away against each opponent. If there are more than eight teams in a division (in the last division or in the Formula divisions), then they shall play each other once only, based on the draw for the appropriate Berger table. When two or more teams from the same club are in the same division all matches between these teams shall be played no later than 31st December of the season in question. The penalty for non-compliance shall be the forfeiture of the games and matches concerned. These defaults counting cumulatively towards match points forfeited under rule 10.

d). Exceptions. See appendix B



a). Each division (except for the first and last) shall normally consist of the four teams finishing third to sixth in the previous season, plus the two teams relegated from the division above plus the two teams promoted from the division below. (see Rule 12)

b). A team may decline promotion only if the promotion would result in two teams from the same club playing in the same division. In this event the vacant place shall be offered successively, and in descending order, to the teams finishing below the team that refused promotion, except for those teams due to be relegated. A relegated team shall not be offered a reprieve unless a vacancy arises as a result of every eligible team in the division below refusing promotion; in that instance the reprieve shall first be offered to the team finishing seventh. This procedure shall be repeated for any consequent vacancy in lower divisions.

c). No team finishing outside the promotion positions shall be compelled to accept promotion against its will because of a higher placed team declining. If no voluntary replacement can be found the latter will be promoted regardless of whether its club already had a team in the higher division. No more than two teams from the same club shall play in any one division, except for the last division, where the limit is three.

d). New teams shall start in the lowest division, unless otherwise determined by the Association's Council.

e). See appendix C



a). No player shall play for more than one club in any one season, even if the clubs concerned compete in different divisions of the League. Any player who does so shall only be eligible for the first club that he played for in that season. Any player not eligible will forfeit his board result.

b). A club with two or more teams in the League divisions must nominate six players for each of these teams except for the bottom team. The nominations shall be received by the League Secretary no later than the date of the first match of the club concerned. No player may be nominated for more than one team, nor may he play for a lower team than the one for which he was nominated. Formula Divisions excepted, no player is eligible for a team if he has played more than four games, defaults not counting, for a higher team or teams that season. First team Nominees shall consist of the eight strongest members of a club who intend to play in the League that season.

c). If a nominated player has not played for his team by January 31st (or other date to be determined by the League Secretary or by the Fixtures Meeting) a substitute nominee must be made from among those who have already made an appearance for that team. If this results in insufficient nominees for a lower team then this procedure shall be repeated for each team affected.

d). When a club has two teams in the same division the above shall be applied to a unit of sixteen nominees. The two strongest players and four of the next six shall be nominated for the strongest team; the assignment of the remaining ten nominations is at the discretion of the club.

e). Exceptions. See Appendix D



A fine may be levied on clubs not represented at the Fixtures Meeting,

These clubs will have dates of matches arranged that are convenient to their opponents who are present at the meeting; these dates can only be changed if both sides assent in writing to the League Secretary. Fixtures must initially be arranged to be played before 31st May. Fixtures may also be arranged by clubs in advance of the Fixtures Meeting.

Matches not played before 14th May, and for which no later date has been approved by the League Secretary, shall be scored as a loss to both sides and attract the penalties for defaulting.

Any team wishing to postpone or rearrange a fixture must give the opposing team

Captain 96 hours’ notice prior to the original fixture date. If this notice is not given the opposing captain has the right to insist that the original fixture date stand.



If at the start of a match, a captain or his deputy knows that their team is incomplete then he must default the appropriate number of boards in sequence upwards from the bottom board. A match is won, and scored as one game point for the winner, if that team had more game points than its opponent for the match otherwise the match is drawn, and each team scores one half of a match point. For every eight defaults half a match point will be deducted. The defaults will be weighted as follows:-

Boards 1 or 2 = 3 Defaults.

Boards 3, 4, or 5 = 2 Defaults

Boards 6, 7 or 8 = 1 Default.

This system does not apply to the Formula Divisions.



The record of any team withdrawing before half its matches, including defaults, are played shall be expunged; notwithstanding this, the results shall be submitted for grading. This provision shall also apply to any team that has been expelled by the League Secretary through its inability to adhere to a satisfactory match programme.



The winners of each division, the teams to be promoted, and the teams to be relegated shall be determined by match points; the highest scoring team coming first, the second highest scoring team coming second and so on.

a) Ties shall be resolved by game scores in a similar fashion.

b). If there is still a tie they shall be placed in order according to the aggregate game points in the match or matches between or amongst them.

c). If there is still a tie they shall be placed in order on the board count. If the board count is equal results shall be as decided by bottom board elimination.

d). If there is still a tie then the involved teams shall play a deciding match under the League Rules applicable to their division at an agreed venue or, if the teams cannot agree, at a venue decided by the League secretary. If the division was a single round All-Play-All the home side shall be the team that played away in the earlier encounter between the two teams.



a) Clocks

Every game shall be played with a clock where available.

The home team captain shall notify the opposing team captain of an insufficiency of clocks so that the opposing team can remedy the deficiency.

b) Playing Session

The minimum duration of a session shall be two hours and thirty minutes.

Prior to the start of each match captains must record what time limit applies Increment, Quick Play, or Standard Play. Quick Play finishes are the default position unless otherwise agreed.

2½ hour session


The rate of play is all moves in 60minutes plus 15s per move. A player can stop writing the moves in the last 5minutes. Players are not able to claim a draw under the 2minute rule. Unfinished games must follow Rule 17 Games Unresolved at the Call of Time.

Quick Play

The time control shall be thirty moves in one hour followed by a quick play finish with fifteen minutes added to each player's clock. These Quick-play finishes shall be governed by the ECF rules currently in force.

Standard Play

The rate of play for the first session shall be thirty moves in one hour and fifteen minutes. Subsequent sessions shall be played at the rate of twenty four moves every hour. Unfinished games must follow Rule 17 Games Unresolved at the Call of Time.

3 hour session


The rate of play is all moves in 75minutes plus 15s per move. A player can stop writing the moves in the last 5minutes. Players are not able to claim a draw under the 2minute rule. Unfinished games must follow Rule 17 Games Unresolved at the Call of Time.

Quick Play

The time control shall be thirty moves in seventy five minutes, followed by a quick play finish with fifteen minutes added to each player's clock. These Quick-play finishes shall be governed by the ECF rules currently in force.

Standard Play

The rate of play for the first session shall be thirty six moves in one hour and thirty minutes. Subsequent sessions shall be played at the rate of twenty four moves every hour. Unfinished games must follow Rule 17 Games Unresolved at the Call of Time.



The time for commencing play at a match shall be agreed upon at the Fixtures Meeting and shall not be later than 7.30.p.m., except where the home side has accommodation difficulties, in which case the match must begin by 7.45.p.m. Clocks shall be started at the time agreed upon at the Fixtures meeting. Should it not prove possible to commence play at that time, the home team must deduct the lost time from each of its clocks.

Either captain can introduce a substitute up to thirty minutes after the time arranged for starting play, however, this player shall lose the time that has elapsed on the clock. The substitute shall not be markedly stronger than the player he is replacing. Any team or player that is not ready to play within thirty minutes of the time agreed upon shall lose by default.



Team Captains (or their deputy) should be in a position to exchange team lists and / toss a coin 10 minutes before the time appointed to start play and if only one Captain (or deputy) is present then that team has the right to choose colours.

The opposing captains, or their deputies, shall exchange the names of their players and grades, whom they shall place in their recognised order of current ECF grade according to the published online Master List, plus or minus 80 points.

Where players have no ECF grade but have a FIDE rating or, failing that, a National Rating, then their grade for the purpose of board order shall be the ECF equivalent as calculated using the recognised ECF conversion chart.

Ungraded players may play on any board according to their playing strength. Both captains may agree to vary the rule.



At the call of time the player whose turn it is to move shall make a sealed move. All sealed moves must be made within 15 mins from the call of time. Failure to do so incurs the loss of the game.

a) At the call of time games are adjudicated if both players agree, or if one of the players is disabled, or if the captains (or their deputies) decided on this course when team lists were exchanged.

If the player, whose turn it is to move, does not wish to adjourn, but his opponent does, then he has choice of venue.

b). If the game is to be adjudicated then both players shall take note of the position excluding the sealed move, the colour of the pieces that each side played with, the name of the player to move and the number of the board on which the game was played. The two match captains shall then check and initial the two score sheets; each shall retain one copy, which shall be sent to the League Secretary, together with the respective claims, within ten days of the match.

Alternatively, the full information may be sent by e-mail in Forsyth Notation.

If there is any discrepancy (i.e., a variation in the position) then the original, initialled, score sheets shall be supplied to the League secretary by post. The club that loses the adjudication shall be informed of this decision and have a fee deducted from its adjudication deposit (see clause 'f').

c) Any team wishing to challenge an adjudication shall write to the League

Secretary within seven days of the result being known to them. The appeal shall be sent together with two copies of the position and supporting analysis. The League Secretary shall immediately notify the opposing team, who shall also have seven days to supply an analysis if they wish to do so. The League Secretary shall forward the appeal, together with all supporting analysis, to an independent professional adjudicator whose decision will be final. The decision shall be communicated to both teams. If the appeal fails a fee shall be deducted in addition to the one already deducted after the initial adjudication deposit of the relevant club. If the appeal is upheld then the initial fee shall be restored to the adjudication deposit of the successful team's club; and a fee, as agreed by Council, shall be deducted from the adjudication deposit of the opposing team's club.

d) If the game is to be adjourned the player who was to move at the call of time shall seal his move. Both players shall take note of the clock times; the sealing player shall initial the flap of the envelope. They shall then agree to a resumption date, which shall be within two weeks, unless an extension is granted by the League Secretary. The other player having choice of venue shall choose between, his club's home venue of his opponent, unless both players agree an alternative. The venue, date and time shall be recorded on the adjournment envelope and on the results slip that has to be sent to the league Secretary. The sealed envelope shall be held by the other player.

The League Secretary may penalise the team of a player who does not appear at the resumption and may count the game as a default.

e). All games unfinished at the end of the second session are adjudicated unless both players agree otherwise and the game can be completed within the original two week time limit or extension. At the end of the second session the game can be decided by an agreement of the opposing captains.

f) Each club shall initially lodge a sum as an adjudication deposit with the League Secretary at the beginning of the season; this deposit shall serve to cover the cost of any appeal or fine. Further sums for these purposes can be demanded at the League Secretary's discretion. These deposits shall be carried over to the next season unless a club asks for a return.



Each team captain shall send the full score of the match including the names of the players and their board numbers and colours to the League Secretary within seven days of the first session. Any team in contravention of this rule shall be fined and may, at the League Secretary's discretion, be scored nil points for this match. Captains are asked to include full players' initials/names; this is to assist both the League Secretary and Grader.

When sending in result sheets captains should not wait for the conclusion of unfinished games. Adjudications should be included; if only one team complies then their claim shall be allowed; if neither team complies then the game shall be scored as a double default.

Captains should be prompt when reporting the results of adjournments; all the results are to be sent in within ten days of the outcome of a game. Any team that does not report the complete result of a match within twenty four days of the first session may, at the discretion of the League Secretary lose the match by default.



The winner of each division shall hold the corresponding trophy for one year. The winner of any trophy shall sign for its receipt and shall return the trophy at the following year's Annual Council Meeting. Trophies for further divisions of the League, as a result of expansion, may be purchased by decision of the Association's Council. For individual player's trophies or other prizes related to the League game results may be awarded by decision of the Council. Such prizes may be withheld if no player appears to have sufficient merit.


Electronic devices such as mobile phones, smart watches, etc. are allowed in the playing area. However, they must be either switched off or switched to silent mode for the duration of play. Match captains must remind players of this requirement. An infringement would be tolerated on the first occasion but in accordance with Competition Rule 1 (FIDE Rules of Chess) the opponent could claim the game on a second infringement. This rule does not apply to Captains until their full team has arrived or to players who make it known they have an emergency and have permission from both match captains to have access to rather than being able to use phone.




A: These are to be known as the Formula divisions and referenced as F1 through to F5, with the Following restrictions:

F1 Open

F2 Under 175

F3 Under 150

F4 Under 125

F5 Under 100


B: Any division based on a limited grade shall operate outside any rules of promotion or relegation. Matches in these divisions shall be played over four boards.


C: The Limited grade divisions are not subject to promotion and relegation.


D: Players whose clubs only play in the Formula League Games will therefore not be banned from playing for another club in the regular divisions.