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29 October 2024 Middlesex County Chess Association changes its website This website was created by Adam Raoof in 2011. It was later taken ov...

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Middlesex Girls Chess Championships 2020 - Results

Middlesex Girls Chess Championships 2020

Here is the link to the final results; https://tornelo.com/chess/orgs/chess-england/events/middlesex-girls-chess-championships-2020/ and you can view the crosstables. First three in each section get a medal, and highest girl from Middlesex also gets a plate. Thanks to Beryl Metcalf for sponsoring the event!

If you have won a medal or a plate then please let me have your postal address - email adamraoof@gmail.com.

U18: Narayanan, Niranjana (gold medal)

U14: Ashwina Haria-Skuse and Emily Maton =1st (gold medals), Lindsay Pyun 3rd (Bronze medal)

U11: Amelie Rees 1st (Gold medal), Riya Aude Barbier-Ramaiah and Seha Konara =2nd (Silver medals)

U9: Samiksha Yerabati 1st (Gold medal), Rhea Pal 2nd (Silver medal) and Amya Patel 3rd (Bronze medal)

U7: Amelie Bryant 1st (Gold Medal), Eliza Blin and Zeel Shah =2nd (Silver medals)

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Sunday, 23 August 2020

MxB ECF Online Open Challengers Champions

MxB were the sole team flying the flag for Mx and one of two teams flying for the SCCU. MxB faced group stage opponents Oxfordshire over 24boards. The high number agreed upon as both had teams in Open and u1825 competitions so in this way as many could be involved on finals day as possible. Whether match played over 12,16 or 24 boards the advantage lay with MxB and this was demonstrated with an overwhelming victory 17-7. MxB therefore are one of six online counties champions.

Read full match report here.

Saturday, 15 August 2020

ECF Events: North v South - The Oldest Challenge

North vs South Gang War

In 1893 & 1894 the historic counties of England contested a match to determine where chess was the strongest. The South won both encounters the 2nd comfortably due to the existence of the first and oldest chess Union the SCCU who were able to aid in the co-ordination and communication of the southern counties.

After a 126years a much delayed 3rd match is to take place on Saturday 5th September on chess.com. The match is open to all ECF members or supporters see link for more details. https://www.englishchess.org.uk/online-north-v-south-challenge-2020/

In the tradition of the first two encounters it is hoped that match will be contested over a minimum of 100 boards if possible more. 

If you are interested in playing what will be an historic events register at https://www.chess.com/club/ecf-south

Anthony Fulton

The South Team Captain

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

ECF Online Counties Championship - Group Stage Summary

The Group Stage of the ECF's new venture is complete and it can be safe to say Mx had the best of it. Due to COVID-19 the National Stage was suspended so the ECF devised an online version by way of compensation. The Competition is to be run in sections Open and u1825 with the top two in each proceeding to a KO phase. If there were sufficient entrants each section would be split into divisions which would thereby create a number of KO sections - 4 for the Open: Open, Major Open, Challengers and Minor; 2 for the u1825: u1825 Championship and u1825 Challengers - as the top four finishers could progress to a National Stage thereby increasing the number of counties/individuals continue to play in the competition. 

Mx were supportive of the new venture as from the off they had decided to participate. Many counties were able to field teams in Open and u1825 but Mx were the only county who could enter 2 teams in the Open. The numbers of Mx players wanting to participate coupled with an inability of other counties to field large teams meant that it was only right that Mx had two teams in Open. Had sufficient interest been expressed by those u150 Mx would have entered two teams in the u1825 also! All told 22 counties enter teams in the Open with 9 able to enter a team in u1825 also. When all things considered Mx are the sole county to have 3 teams participating in the online counties championships with two in the top section! Mx may not exist in a political sense but they certainly do in a sporting one chess included!

See here for full details of the competition however a quick summary of how each Mx team performed in the group stage is given here.

Thursday, 30 July 2020

ECF Online Competition - National 100

With the suspension of OTB chess the ECF has suspended the National Stage of the Counties Championship. This is somewhat disappointing for Middlesex as they have 4 teams waiting to participate as they had successfully negotiated the SCCU competition - Open (SCCU Champions), u180 (Runner-up), u160 (SCCU Champions) and u120 (3rd). Each were expecting to go on to achieve great things in the National Stage.

In light of the suspension the ECF devised a new venture the Online Counties Competition in which Middlesex have entered and are doing well. However, despite the competition's success it was noticed that a group of players were poorly catered for the u100. In order to redress the balance a new section has been devised that will run in conjunction with the knock-out stage from 8th August to 22nd August, The National 100.

In short there are 4 Regional u100 teams who will participate in an All-Play-All format to determine the winner. 

For further information read the National 100 on the ECF Online page

For those interested in competition they should register here
Alternatively contact one of the following:
The South Team Captain - Anthony Fulton
The South Team Vice Captain - Angela Eyton

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Middlesex League Suspended

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Middlesex League was suspended with immediate effect in March. The League Secretary circulated a message via ECF LMS to advise of the suspension. The requirements of social distancing and the concerns about viral transmission means that it is unknown when OTB play will resume. An announcement will be made shortly about whether the league season will resume or be terminated and the implications of either decision.

The past few weeks has seen a relaxation of social lockdown and clubs may be thinking of resuming OTB play. If so in accordance with the steer from the ECF the MCCA would ask clubs to ensure they consider the implications of doing so and at least use the following in order to conduct a risk assessment in to determine whether it is right to do so.

Finally although OTB play has been suspended this has not prevented Middlesex from playing competitively. They are currently participating in the ECF's new venture the Online Counties Championships. See how the respective teams are doing:

Middlesex County Chess Association AGM 9th July 2018 Minutes

1.      Present: Peter Grant-Ross (PGR)/Kings Head Chess Club; Anthony Fulton (AF) General Secretary/Open & u180 Match Captain/Willesden & Brent Chess Club; Adam Raoof (AR) Treasurer; Colin Mackenzie League Secretary/League Grader; Manohran Dilukshan (MD) u120 Match Captain; Evan Beachley u140 Match Captain; Angela Eyton (AE) Junior/MCCA SCCU&ECF Representative; John Walton (JW) Athenaeum Chess Club/Auditor; Nevil Chan (NC) Harrow Chess Club; Michael Bennett (MB) Hendon Chess Club; Andrew Costelloe (AC) Muswell Hill Chess Club; Surjit Dhemrait (SD) Harrow Chess Club
2.       Apologies for absence – Keith Jones u160 Captain; Hackney Chess Club
3.       President Address – N/A
4.       Award of trophies
a.       Middlesex League D1 – Hendon 1
b.       Middlesex League D2 – Hendon 3
c.       Middlesex League D3 – Hammersmith 2 (No trophy)
d.       SCCU Stevenson Trophy – AF
e.       SCCU Montague Jones Trophy – AF
f.        SCCU Amboyna – issued to AF on behalf of Keith Jones
g.       SCCU Harry Wolverton Trophy – DM
h.       Martin Blaine Best Performance Cup – Steven Coles
i.         Martin Blaine 1st Team Captain Trophy - AF
5.       Minutes of 2017 approved subject to matters arising
6.       Matter arising - None
7.       Officer’s Report
a.       General Secretary – AF reported that he had been kept busy due to reviewing Constitution and League Rules and identifying a number of issues that had to be addressed to ensure MCCA more organised. AF added that 2018 was a phenomenally successful year for county teams which eclipsed the 1967 success – see match captains reports and that it was heartening to see a large turnout for the AGM.
b.       Treasurer – AR reports accounts delayed
Action Point – AF to circulate once accounts received
c.       Auditor – n/a
d.       League Secretary – report circulated
e.       County Grader – report n/a
f.        Match Captains
                                                               i.      Open – AF report distributed prior to meeting no questions raised
                                                             ii.      U180 – AF report distributed prior to meeting no questions raised
                                                           iii.      U160 – KJ report distributed prior to meeting no questions raised
                                                           iv.      U140 – EB informed team finished 4th and are still a work in progress; an opportunity arose to play in National Stage but declined as team comprised of u120 and did not wish to affect their prospects
                                                             v.      U120 – DM reported that u120 retained SCCU title and progressed to National Stage final where lost to Warwickshire
                                                           vi.      U100 DM reports u100 withdrawn drew to difficulty raising squad therefore team
g.       Individual – n/a
h.       Team – n/a
i.         Correspondence – n/a
j.         Junior – AE1 reported that despite their being money available to promote junior activity it was poor for 2017-18. Her concern was the help available to her to run events especially for older juniors as although there are strong juniors in the county this does not translate to either a junior team or the county teams. More proactivity required by Association
k.       Winter’s trophy – n/a
l.         Ralph Barnett – n/a
m.     SCCU Representative – AE1 reported 2 main issues for Club’s to be aware of:
                                                               i.      There is action to try and increase participation from counties within SCCU catchment area, e.g. Berkshire, Buckinghamshire etc.
                                                             ii.      GDPR – see Constitution
n.       ECF Representative – AE1 nothing significant to report
8.       Constitution – AF reminded Council there are some areas of the Constitution that have been neglected e.g. collecting details of club members, fining clubs who fail to furnish such details. AF also reminded that if clubs wanted to change Constitution then 2/3rds majority required. AF added that since introduction of GDPR (May 2018) Association and Clubs will need to ensure GDPR compliant, he encouraged clubs to review GDPR regulations
9.       League Rule Changes
a.       Time Control – After discussion it was agreed to include an incremental time control option due to the increase in the use of digital clocks.
b.       Electronic Devices – It was agreed that League rules to be amended to include clause about electronic devices
Action Point – AF to ensure League rules updated
10.   League Management Software – ECF had introduced new software to manage competitions namely County Championship. Software free to use for Clubs so MCCA should consider introducing for 2018-19. This is an issue MCCA had been considering so opportune that ECF have provided solution rather than the bespoke options that had been explored to date.
Action Point – CM to follow up
11.   Election of Officers
a.       President – PGR
b.       Deputy President - vacant
c.       General Secretary – AF
d.       Treasurer - AR
e.       Auditor – JW
f.        League Secretary – Colin Mackenzie (CM)
g.       County Grader – CM
h.       Match Captains
                                                               i.      Open – AF
                                                             ii.      U180 – AF
                                                           iii.      U160 – KJ
                                                           iv.      U140 – Evan Beachley
                                                             v.      U120 – DM
                                                           vi.      U100 - DM
i.         Individual – vacant
j.         Team – n/a
k.       Correspondence – vacant
l.         Junior – AE
m.     Winter’s trophy – vacant
n.       Ralph Barnett – vacant
o.       SCCU Representative – AE
p.       ECF Representative – AE
q.       Non-Executive (max. 4) Surjit Dhemrait
Action Point – AF to contact clubs who have no presence on MCCA Executive
12.   A.O.B.
a.       The question of whether League rules should be amended to explicitly reference disability was raised. No further action taken
b.       County venue – AF informed that current venue Willesden Working Mens Club is being refurbished consequently the next cycle will determine whether will be necessary to find a new venue. Update to be given in 2019 AGM.
13.   Date of 2018 AGM provisionally fixed for 8th July 2018 – 1st Monday after Finals Day probably 6th July 2019 – 1st Saturday in July)
14.   Date of Fixture Meeting provisionally fixed for 17th September 2018 venue tbc
Action Point – AF to contact clubs to confirm current details of executive

Meeting held at Carpenters Arms Marble Arch
Meeting start 7:03pm
Meeting ended 8:45pm

Matters Arising from 2018 AGM
a.       MCCA Accounts – circulated to clubs on 30th July 2018.
b.       League rules updated
c.       LMS Software implemented – see League Secretary report
d.       Outstanding actions – some clubs still do not reply to email, namely Hammersmith and West London, alternative steps to be taken to ensure response from all member clubs
e.       County venue – it has become evident that Willesden Working Mens Club will no longer be suitable for matches, Essex u180 complained about the noise levels. Consequently, alternative venue being sourced. The  impact will be that MCCA finances will be affected.